New Inflation Reduction Act sign up form
Green Homeowners United wants to help you benefit from the funds and tax credits in newly passed Inflation Reduction Act!

Ever since the passage of the federal Inflation Reduction Act (and even before, leading up to it) our phones have been ringing frequently with people wondering how the new law might impact them and their homes.
As certified energy assessors and modelers who help people every day not only learn what they can do to fight climate change at home but also help them do it, we are excited by the largest investment in US History in addressing climate change! A large part of that (over $8 billion) is in residential energy efficiency improvements.
We have read everything in the law pertaining to homes, and worked with experts in Washington DC and Madison to understand how Wisconsin residents can benefit from this law. And we've created a new sign up form where you can find out how the law can impact you and what the next steps are. Click here to learn more, or use the form below.
Thinking about adding insulation, replacing some windows or looking into a "heat pump"? Now is the time to find out how easy it is about to be.
We look forward to working with you to fight climate change at (your) home!
-- Kevin Kane, Chief Economist, Green Homeowners United (